Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2019 № 4 Pedagogical sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2019.48.44.004
UDC: 372-1
BBC: 74.104
V. S. Vasileva ORCID
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate professor at the Department of special pedagogics, psychology and subject techniques, South-Ural State Humanities-Pedagogical University
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Introduction. The article discusses the issues that reveal the results of the initial stage of an experimental study - the allocation of the structural components of the communicative competence of teachers of a preschool educational organization, the determination of their levels of formation, a description of the corresponding qualitative characteristics that allow to form an integral picture of the studied pedagogical phenomenon. The description of the diagnostic stage of the communicative competence of teachers of a preschool educational organization is presented.

Materials and methods. The fundamental research methods are the analysis of scientific literature on the problem of experimental research of professional competence in general and the communicative competence of teachers of a preschool educational organization, in particular, the analysis of regulatory legal acts and the legislative framework for ensuring the organization of preschool education and the requirements for the level of communicative competence of teachers of a preschool educational organization in a holistic structure of professional competence, mod eling, comparison, generalization, description of diagnostic methods.

Results. The results of the experimental work are presented, revealing the theoretical justification of the analytically-effective component of the concept of developing communicative competence of teachers of a preschool organization, providing reliable data at the initial stage of the experiment, allowing in the process of experimental activity to carry out high-quality filling of the organizational-activity, subject-content and technological components of the developed concept.

Discussion. The substantiation of the relevance and necessity of organizing an experimental study of the communicative competence of teachers of preschool educational organizations in general and a qualitative level assessment of each of its structural component in particular is given.

Conclusion. Studying the level of communicative competence of teachers of a preschool educational organization allows us to identify the basic level of formation of personal and professional qualities (characteristics), considered in a holistic system of communicative competence of teachers, which will further determine and build a meaningful component of the developed concept for the development of communicative competence of teachers of preschool educational organizations.


communicative competence, diagnostics of communicative competence of preschool teachers; components of communicative competence; levels of formation of communicative competence


Justification of the study of communicative competence of teachers of a preschool educational organization;

Analyzed the main points of view on the procedure for diagnosing the communicative competence of teachers of preschool educational organizations;

The components of the communicative competence of the teacher of a preschool educational organization are highlighted;

The levels of formation of the communicative competence of the teacher of the preschool educational organization are highlighted, their characteristics are presented;

Presents modern diagnostic techniques for communicative competence of teachers of preschool educational organizations;

The procedure for diagnosing the communicative competence of teachers of a preschool educational organization is described.


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