Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2019 № 4 Psychological sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2019.11.34.017
UDC: 159.922.62
BBC: 88.8
S. V. Merzljakova ORCID
Assistant professor, Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant professor of the chair of general and cognitive psychology, Astrakhan State University
E-mail: Send an e-mail
N. V. Kuligina ORCID
Senior Nurse of the Federal Centre of Cardiovascular Surgery of Astrakhan, postgraduate student at the Department of General and Cognitive Psychology, Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan, Russia.
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. Studying the connection between motivation and satisfaction with the work of healthcare professionals, scientific justification of ways to optimize social and psychological conditions of professional activities of medical personnel of Federal Centers of High Medical Technologies of Cardiac Surgery is very relevant and socially significant. Satisfaction with work directly affects the productivity and quality of medical care. Labor motivation is considered as a factor of satisfaction formation in professional activities of medical and nursing personnel.

Materials and methods. There were used theoretical analysis of native and foreign literature, methods of psychological diagnosis («F. Herzberg’s two-factor profile», «Motivation of professional activity» by K. Zamfir in modification of A.A. Ryan, «Diagnosis of the labor activity motives structure» developed by T.L. Badoev), methods of mathematical and statistical data processing.

Results. As a result of the empirical research it was found that the degree of job satisfaction is highly appreciated by nursing personnel as contrasted with doctors. Using the correlation analysis the connection between job satisfaction and motivation of professional activity of healthcare professionals was revealed. Internal motivation, external positive motivation, motivating factors (only for the nursing personnel) contribute to the increase of employees’ satisfaction with work. The external negative motivation by particular factors reduces job satisfaction of doctors, while the hygienic factors reduce the satisfaction of nursing staff.

Discussion. The revealed factors, determining job satisfaction, will allow managers of different levels of management approach the development and implementation of motivational policy in the field of health care in a differentiated manner.

Conclusion. For the first time, the connection between motivation and job satisfaction among medical and nursing personnel of the Federal Centre of High Medical Technologies of Cardiac Surgery was revealed. The results of the empirical research of the role of motivation in job satisfaction formation among healthcare professionals can be served as an effective tool in improving the quality and efficiency of work in the medical organization. When developing and implementing a comprehensive motivation program for medical personnel, the professional affiliation (doctors, nurses), individual-psychological characteristics of each employee, his/her personal qualities and motivational structure should be taken into consideration.


labor motivation, job satisfaction, medical personnel, nursing personnel


Internal motivation development of medical personnel contributes to the formation of job satisfaction and its constituent factors;

External positive motivation has a greater impact on a job satisfaction among nurses as contrasted with doctors;

The satisfaction of the possibility of professional development among medical personnel decreases under external negative motivation;

The satisfaction of the profession prestige among nursing personnel increases under the importance of motivating factors in the work;

The satisfaction of the profession prestige among nursing personnel decreases under the actualization of hygienic factors.


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