Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2020 № 3 (156) Pedagogical sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2020.156.3.008
UDC: 378.14
BBC: 74.480
T. T. Kaverzneva ORCID
Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor at the Higher School of Technosphere Security, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Poly-technic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: Send an e-mail
I. L. Skripnik ORCID
Docent, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor at the Department of Fire safety of technological Processes and production, Saint-Petersburg University of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: Send an e-mail
S. V. Voronin ORCID
Docent, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Fire safety of technological Processes and production, Saint-Petersburg University of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: Send an e-mail
Yu. G. Ksenofontov ORCID
Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Fire safety of technological Processes and production, Saint-Petersburg University of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning of students. In order to conduct this type of training, it is necessary to have a well-developed educational and methodological complex, primarily related to self-control of knowledge and the implementation of intermediate certification in a new format. Self-assessment of knowledge by students can be implemented in the form of thematic testing on each topic of the studied discipline.

Materials and methods. The basis of the study is the methodology for conducting a set-off with an assessment of the educational discipline. A list of test questions is prepared in advance, which are formalized material that has an unambiguous nature of the answer and is implemented in various electronic forms of presenting information to trainees: in the form of analytical relations, illustrations, graphs, drawings, text, etc. The trainee must answer all the test tasks proposed to him, according to the results of which, depending on the number of correct answers to the previously accepted criteria, he is rated.

Results. Based on the modern conditions for ensuring the educational process, it is necessary that distance learning be organized on the basis of the most rational use of information technologies and teacher's pedagogical skills. The experience of conducting classes with students remotely showed that the scientific and pedagogical composition conducts them at a fairly high methodological level. At the same time, it is possible to accumulate and analyze statistical material in order to further improve the quality of classes.

Discussion. The main content of the evaluation fund (EF), the criteria for self-assessment, protection of control work, offset with assessment, the peculiarities of the work of teachers, students at the university and on remote access is given.

Conclusion. Constantly changing educational conditions in the Russian Federation should in no case affect the quality of the educational process of the university. On the contrary, they should act as a basis for solving the tasks set for ensuring the educational process in a distance form of training at a better level.


Educational technologies; Distance education; Merits; Test; Criterion


With the development of the scientific and technical process, the advent of modern technologies in educational activities, “smart” materials and information processing tools, automation, the remote form of training is filled with new content [1, p.32].

Given the current situation in the world, due to the decrease in the cost of material resources (oil production), the imposition of political and economic sanctions, the closure of borders by some States, the reduction of relations, the introduction of quarantine measures, the role of this type of entity is now almost the only possible.

In these conditions, it is necessary to comprehensively look at various components of the remote form of training from a systemic perspective: the order of its organization, the state of the educational and methodological complex (EMC), the form of conducting various types of classes, especially those performed in an interactive form and laboratory work, and the form of monitoring intermediate certification. In addition, the technical side has a significant role in this process: providing automation tools, accessibility and bandwidth of the Internet [2, p.213].


1. Skripnik I.L. & Voronin S.V. (2017), Sposob rascheta pokazatelya prisposoblennosti obrazca k progressivnoj tekhnologii proizvodstva [Method for calculation of sample adaptability index to progressive production technology]. Sbornik materialov VIII Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferenciiNadezhnost' i dolgovechnost' mashin i mekhanizmov: sbornik materialov, 13 aprelya 2017 g.[A collection of materials of the VIII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Reliability and Durability of Machines and Mechanisms”, April 13, 2017]. Izdatel'stvoIvanovskaya pozharno-spasatel'naya akademiya”, Ivanovo, pp. 213–215. ISBN 978-5-7807-1206-0. (In Russian).

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5. Skripnik I.L., Voronin S.V. & Kaverzneva T.T. (2017), Sposoby organizacii  interaktivnogo  obucheniya professional'no special'nyh discipline [How to organize interactive training of professional specialized disciplines]. Psihologo-pedagogicheskie problemy bezopasnosti cheloveka i obshchestva, 1 (34), 42–46. (In Russian).

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7. Skripnik I.L. & Voronin S.V. (2017), Specifika raboty s obuchayushchimisya po podgotovke specialistov pozharnoj bezopasnosti [Specifics of work with fire safety trainees]. Psihologo-pedagogicheskie problemy bezopasnosti cheloveka i obshchestva, 2 (35), 38–42. (In Russian).

8. Skripnik I.L. & Voronin S.V. (2017), Razvitie uchebno-material'noj bazy kafedry kak odna iz sostavlyayushchih obrazovatel'nogo processa [Development of educational and material base of the department as one of the components of educational process]. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii “Podgotovka kadrov v sisteme preduprezhdeniya i likvidacii posledstvij chrezvychajnyh situacij”, 01 iyunya 2017 goda. [Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Training in Disaster Management”, June 01, 2017]. Izdatel'stvo "Sankt-Peterburgskij universitet GPS MCHS Rossii", pp.  257–261. (In Russian).

9. Skripnik I.L. & Voronin S.V. (2017), Sovremennye al'ternativnye podhody obucheniya v sravnenii s tradicionnymi [Current alternative learning approaches versus traditional]. Psihologo-pedagogicheskie problemy bezopasnosti cheloveka i obshchestva, 4 (37), 46–50. (In Russian).

10. Voronin S.V., Skripnik I.L. & Kaverzneva T.T. (2018), Metodiki ocenki professorsko-prepodavatel'skogo sostava i obuchayushchihsya v uchebnom processe [Methods of evaluation of faculty and students in the educational process]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta GPS MCHS Rossii, 4, 95–100. (In Russian).

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12. Kaverzneva T.T. & Leonova N.A. (2017), Opyt vnedreniya interaktivnyh form obucheniya po napravleniyu tekhnosfernoj bezopasnosti v kursah bezopasnosti zhiznedeyatel'nosti [Experience in implementing interactive forms of training in the direction of technosphere safety in life safety courses]. Bezopasnost' zhiznedeyatel'nosti, 1, 61–64. (In Russian).

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16. Skripnik I.L., Voronin S.V., Kaverzneva T.T. & Senchenko V.A. (2017), Analiz riskov porazheniya lyudej elektricheskim tokom i vozniknoveniya pozhara v razlichnyh skhemah elektrosnabzheniya zdaniya [Analysis of risks of electric shock and fire in various power supply schemes of the building]. Ohrana truda i tekhnika bezopasnosti na promyshlennyh predpriyatiyah, 4 (166), 35–44. (In Russian).

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18. Ivanov A.V., Skripnik I.L. & Voronin S.V. (2019), Umen'shenie processa korrozii metalla pri vozdejstvii peremennogo chastotno-modulirovannogo signala [Reduction of metal corrosion under action of variable frequency-modulated signal]. Problemy upravleniya riskami v tekhnosfere, 1 (49), 14–24. (In Russian).

19. Skripnik I.L. & Voronin S.V. (2017), Sovershenstvovanie organizacionnogo mekhanizma upravleniya razrabotkoj obrazcov pozharnoj tekhniki [Improvement of organizational mechanism of fire equipment development management]. Sbornik materialov VIII Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferenciiNadezhnost' i dolgovechnost' mashin i mekhanizmov: sbornik materialov, 13 aprelya 2017 g. [A collection of materials of the VIII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Reliability and Durability of Machines and Mechanisms”, April 13, 2017]. Izdatel'stvoIvanovskaya pozharno-spasatel'naya akademiya”, Ivanovo, pp. 222–224. ISBN 978-5-7807-1206-0. (In Russian).

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