Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2020 № 3 (156) Pedagogical sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2020.156.3.014
UDC: 378.225
BBC: 74.489
G. A. Shiganova ORCID
Professor (Full), Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor at the Department of Russian Language, Literature and Methods of Teaching Russian Language and Literature, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University
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E. YU. Nikitina ORCID
Professor, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Department of Russian language and literature and methods of teaching Russian language and literature, South-Ural State Humanities-Pedagogical University
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A. V. Sviridova ORCID
Docent, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor at the Department of Russian Language, Literature and Methods of Teaching Russian Language and Literature, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University
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L. P. Yuzdovа ORCID
Professor, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Russian Language, Literature and Methods of Teaching Russian and Literature, South-Ural State Humanities-Pedagogical University
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Introduction. The article identifies topical problems of preparing students of pedagogical universities in the context of modern migration policy to study and understand the processes of adaptation, integration and support of migrant children studying in a Russian-language elementary school. The purpose of the article is to describe and substantiate the process of mastering special psychological, pedagogical and methodological methods of teaching by future primary school teachers in working with children in a multicultural environment.

Materials and methods. The empirical basis of this research is MAOU Secondary School No. 6 named after Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Chelyabinsk. The main research methods: 1. Analysis of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO and scientific literature devoted to the study of psychological and pedagogical technologies for organizing the educational process in primary school with migrant children who do not speak Russian well and are involved in the process of learning it. 2. Active use by teachers in the learning process of various diagnostic techniques: questionnaires, analysis of research results, observation, the method of mathematical statistics and others, which in general make it possible to learn the psychological characteristics of foreign children and the specifics of their adaptation in the Russian-speaking socioculture.

Results. Psychological peculiarities of bilingual primary school-aged children are described. The main violations in speech development and communication in a Russian-speaking setting are identified. Counselling support methods needed for successful mastering of educational programmes and for overcoming the difficulties in forming communicative skills of non-native learners are specified.

Discussion. For the implementation of pedagogical support of students of migrants during the adaptation period in primary school, it is necessary to establish social ties, which can be carried out thanks to the highest level of the teacher's professional and personal culture, his pedagogical competence; the atmosphere of interaction and cooperation in the teaching staff and the classroom; the presence of a real connection with the child's family, educational institution and society, state support during the learning process.

It has been established that the future primary school teacher must master the basics of the socio-psychological adaptation of migrant children to the Russian socioculture, its language, traditions and customs, which is facilitated by systematic, long-term and systematic psychological, pedagogical and methodological work both with students and with teachers and parents. The teacher-psychologist should be guided, first of all, by the works of the leading figures of Russian psychological science: L. V. Vygotsky [2], A. N. Leontiev [3], S. L. Rubinstein [4], who developed the basic principles of psychological support of a child, declaring the leading role of activity in its development.

It is highlighted that long-term systematic counseling support for learners as well as their teachers and parents leads to social and psychological adaptation of immigrant children to Russian culture, language, customs and traditions.

Conclusion. It is concluded that the adaptation processes of mastering the Russian language by children of migrants in a foreign language environment for them, their inclusion in a sociocultural unfamiliar community is a difficult and controversial process that requires special knowledge of teachers who are able to create such psychological and pedagogical conditions in the classroom so that social support was carried out by the joint efforts of teachers, children and parents and led to good results when children entered the world of values of the Russian mentality.


Adaptation; Bilingual; Migrant; mentality; psychological and pedagogical support; Socioculture; Communicative competence; Psychological and Pedagogical conditions


The system of tasks facing the primary school teacher in teaching and raising children of migrants has been determined;

The main factors influencing the educational process in a multicultural class are named;

The psychological and pedagogical conditions for the adaptation and support of children in a social and cultural environment that are not native to them have been identified;

Fragments of the Program of psychological and pedagogical support of children of migrants in the MAOU SOSH No. 6 in Chelyabinsk are described in order to acquaint students with methodological knowledge and skills in an educational institution in which purposeful work with foreign children is carried out.


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