Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.02.18
UDC: 378.937:152.8
BBC: 74.480.26:88.411
N.S. Shkitina ORCID
Docent, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogics and Psychology, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University
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N.S. Kasatkina ORCID
Docent, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogics and Psychology, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University
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E.Y. Nemudraya ORCID
Docent, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogics and Psychology, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University
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M.V. Tsiulina ORCID
Academic Title of Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences (Education), Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogics and Psychology, South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
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Managing pedagogical university master students’ empathic training

Introduction.The article is devoted to the problem of becoming a professional teacher with its most important component, which is empathic training. The study analyzes peculiar features of pedagogical university master students’ empathic training within framework of the modern educational process. The article aims at justifying and revealing the authors’ concept of the effective organization of Master’s Degree students’ empathic training at pedagogical university. The practical significance of the research results can serve as a tool for organizing future specialists’ professional and pedagogical training.

Materials and Methods. The main research methods are theoretical methods: historical and pedagogical analysis, theoretical and methodological analysis, forecasting and long-term planning; empirical methods: analyzing, experiment, observing, questioning, testing, self-evaluation, rating, examining, quali-metric methods, statistical methods of data processing and verifying suggested hypotheses.

Results. The study introduces the competence model that creates specific conditions for organizing Pedagogical University Master students’ empathic training. The authors present characteristics of the main components of the model, interactive technologies, trainings, including the correspondent training modules. The effective techniques for Master students’ empathic training at pedagogical university are revealed and described.

Discussion. The study shows that the project is efficient when pedagogical university Master students’ empathy competence is formed.

Conclusion. The authors conclude that implementing competence model contributes to the process of developing Master students’ empathy competence at pedagogical university, which is of great importance in becoming a professional teacher.


empathy, sympathy, compassion, pedagogical empathy, empathic competence, empathic competency, pedagogical university Master students’ empathic training

  • The study defines basic components of pedagogical empathy.
  • The authors introduce competence model that promotes the development of pedagogical university Master students’ empathy competence.
  • The research describes the supportive environment for developing Pedagogical University master students’ empathy competence.
  • The researchers overview interactive technologies of forming and developing pedagogical university master students’ empathy competence.
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