Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.02.09
UDC: 378.147:681.14
BBC: 74.480.215:32.97
K.V. Kiuru ORCID
Academic Title of Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor at the Department of Journalism and Mass Communications, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
E-mail: Send an e-mail
E.E. Popova ORCID
Candidate of Sciences (Education), Associate Professor at Department of Pedagogy, Ural State University of Physical Education, Chelyabinsk, Russia
E-mail: Send an e-mail
Using digital content in higher education as a response to challenges of visual turn

Introduction. The article deals with the problem of finding the answer of the modern educational process to the challenges of the visual turn, manifested in the increasing role of the visual component of social reality. The visual turn leads to changes not only in learning and studying processes but in the very landscape of higher education. The purpose of the article is to consider two trends of the modern educational process in the university: the use of digital content (primarily visual) and the use of open educational resources.

Materials and methods. The main method of research is a survey conducted among students of Chelyabinsk State University and Ural State University of Physical Culture. The survey was conducted in two stages. At the first stage, the frequency of using visual technologies in the educational process was revealed. In the second stage, after the introduction of the pre-vodcasting method into the educational process, the effectiveness of the use of digital content was revealed.

Results. During the first stage of the study, it was found out that the idea of visual aids in the educational process was formed among the students of senior courses. Visualization tools are used in the educational process of the university, but not so often and not within the framework of all disciplines. The second stage of the study demonstrated that the students constantly use digital gadgets and are ready to use them in the educational process. The use of digital content within the framework of training sessions built on the principle of a “flipped class” made it possible to solve educational problems more effectively, which is confirmed by the respondents’ answers to the questions in the second survey.

Discussion. It is emphasized that the problem lies in the insufficient use of visualization and digital content by teachers in conditions of students’ readiness to receive information in this form.

Conclusion. It is concluded that the use of digital content in the educational process is a response to challenges of the visual turn which characterizes modern social reality and allows to solve the problem of personalizing of the learning space, which is one of the main trends of the education in the XXI century.


educational process, digital content, open education, online education, visual aids, visual turn

  • The main trends of the modern educational process are defined in the context of the visual turn.
  • The results of the study on the efficiency of the use of digital content in the educational process are presented.
  • The guidelines addressing the problem of insufficient use of visualization and digital content by teachers in conditions of students’ readiness to receive information in this form have been developed.
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