Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.02.15
UDC: 355.232.6:6(7)
BBC: 68.4(2)39:74.48:30.1р30
I.A. Safonov ORCID
lecturer at the 11th Aircraft Department, branch of the Military Airborne Training and Research Center “Military Air Academy”, Chelyabinsk, Russia
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Description of the model for developing military university cadets’ pro-ject-oriented approach to work organization

Introduction. This article focuses on the issues related to developing cadets’ project-oriented approach to work organization at military universities. The model of developing the considered phenomenon is presented. Much attention is paid to describing its components. Specific principles and properties of the elaborated model are analyzed. The most productive forms of the mentioned educational activity aimed at forming the project oriented approach are emphasized. The purpose of the article is developing structural - functional model of the cadets’ project-oriented approach to work organization at military universities.

 Materials and methods. The main methods of the research are as follows: theoretical and methodological analysis of psychological, pedagogical, scientific methodological and professional literature devoted to the problem of developing cadets’ project-oriented approach to work organization; systematic structural analysis.

Results and discussion. The model of developing the project-oriented approach is designed and described, including its components (inductive-objective, theoretically oriented, structural pragmatic, evaluative) which determine the requirements for managing the considered process. The specific principles and properties of the functioning of this model are also identified and described.

Conclusion. The paper concludes that the implementation of the suggested pedagogical model can contribute to developing cadets’ project-oriented approach to work organization. Moreover, it can create favorable conditions for developing cadets’ own unique potential in project-oriented activities, i.e. increase the effectiveness of preparing the cadets for their military careers.


project-oriented approach to work organization; cadet; military high school; project activity; technology; project; educational process

  • The paper defines the specific properties of the constructed model.
  • The paper develops the model of the pedagogical system which contributes to developing project-oriented approach to work organization and describes its components.
  • The paper reveals the principles for developing the pedagogical model.
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