Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.02.16
UDC: 378:42/49(07)
BBC: 74.48:81.2-9
N.I. Speranskaya ORCID
Candidate of Sciences (Education), Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages, Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen, Russia
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О.Е. Iatsevich ORCID
Candidate of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages, Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen, Russia
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V.V. Iudashkina ORCID
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages, Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen, Russia
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S.A. Kovalevskaya ORCID
Assistant at the Department of Cross-cultural Communications, Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen, Russia
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Working on terms in teaching foreign language at a technical university

Introduction. The paper presents some approaches to organizing foreign language classes aimed at teaching students at higher educational institutions in technical fields. The authors consider working on terminology in the specialty one of the crucial motivating factors for students.

Materials and Methods. The fundamental part of the students’ work includes thorough study of the terminology database, which is possible through a comprehensive analysis of linguistic features of the certain set of lexemes. The authors consider it necessary to base studying terminology in any branch of science upon etymological and semantic analysis. Such approach provides clarity of definition and correct usage of the term in students’ work. Working knowledge of wide range of connotations allows students to describe their scientific research more accurately.

Results. The paper has both abstract and practical orientation. Therefore, it describes particular forms of work on terminology, i.e. studying the linguistic image of the term, determining its relations to other lexical units, conducting semantic analysis to identify the connotation nuances. Final part of the suggested method includes defining the core meaning of the notion and its secondary signs through selecting the synonyms, paronyms, and antonyms of the term.

Discussion. The authors emphasize that the use of Internet resources enhances students’ cognitive activity and their educational motivation.

Conclusion. The proposed system of working on terms during foreign language classes improves the quality of presenting young scientists’ experimental and scientific research results.


term, linguistic unit, connotation, semantic analysis, lexeme

  • The importance of working on terminology base is substantiated.
  • The paper places emphasis on the diversity of terminology and nomenclature.
  • The authors’ algorithm for working on terms is presented in the paper.
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