Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.02.02
UDC: 808.03(07):378
BBC: 81.07:74.48
I.S. Bashmakova ORCID
Academic Title of Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor at the Foreign Languages Department № 1, Institute of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Rus
E-mail: Send an e-mail
Modern technologies of text translation quality assessment in high school

Introduction. The article proves the importance of considering students’ written works assessment issue in the teaching methodology. The purpose of the article is to reinforce the criteria selected by the authors to assess the quality of students’ translated texts and describe the work of the computer programme developed in INRTU. The mentioned programme makes the process of translation quality assessment much easier for teachers. The significance of the article is proved by modern society’s great demand for high quality translated materials in various fields and, consequently, the possibility of unbiased quality assessment of the finished works. The novelty of the article is in presenting one of the most perspective means of text assessment quality in the teaching methodology, creation and improvement of which are determined by the realities of modern society. The theoretical significance and practical value are based on the fact that the programme under discussion can be used not only by university teachers but, at all levels, where it is necessary to assess the quality of the translated belles-lettres, economic and technical texts. It is noted that every component of the text cannot be thoroughly assessed. Nevertheless, formal parameters such as spelling errors, absence of indentations, headings and the fragments which are not translated the developed in INRTU computer programme is able to implement. The verification results are objectively reflected by the programme.

Materials and Methods. While working on the paper, a method of theoretical analysis was used to explain the problem of achieving an equivalent translation of the text, as well as to describe the existing means of quality translation assessment. To consider examples of using and translating nonequivalent lexis the comparative analysis method was employed. The material for the research work was taken from available English and Russian social networks, as well as students’ works, the students who took part in different language competitions.

Results. The criteria incorporated in the developed automated system for quality assessment of the translation are determined and explained. As there is no common opinion among scientists regarding the requirements for the translated text yet, it is stated that it is hard to create an ideal computer programme, where all the assessing criteria for translated text quality can be taken into account.

Discussion. The importance of developing a single standard for translated text quality assessment in the teaching methodology is underlined.

Conclusion. It is concluded that translation is an extremely complicated process. Nevertheless, it is possible for teachers to subject text to the impersonal translation quality assessment. The automated quality assessment system developed in the INRTU can be used for the purpose mentioned above. This programme will contribute to further research in the teaching methodology and more, to the creation of a better programme together with integrated neural network.


quality assessment; methods and means of assessment; equivalent translation; qualitative translation; adequate translation; computer-assisted system; assessment criteria; formal parameters; original text; the degree of correspondence

  • The professional competencies of the future translator, formulated in the federal educational standard in the teaching methodology by Ministry of Education are indicated, 45.03.02 Linguistics.
  • The difficulties of translation dealt with lexical units that do not have equivalents among units of another language and teacher’s problem of assessing the students’ works with such words are stated.
  • The main requirements for the translated text are defined.
  • The criteria for quality text translation assessment incorporated in the automated system are defined and stated
  • Description of the programme created in INRTU is presented.

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