Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.02.10
UDC: 372.5
BBC: 74.100.575
O.V. Kotlovanova ORCID
Teacher of the Qualification Category 1, educational and recreational center «Kreativ», Chelyabinsk, Russia
E-mail: Send an e-mail
Developing pre-school children’s manual dexterity by means of sand animation

Introduction. The article reflects the urgency of introducing new means of developing preschool children’s manual dexterity. The paper provides an overview of the main modern researchers and educators’ points of view on the process of developing small motor skills. The purpose of the article is to present effective sand animation exercises for enriching preschool children’s sensory experience and developing their manual dexterity.

Materials and Methods. The main methods in the research are: analysis of scientific literature, generalization and systematization of pedagogical experience in the problem, as well as description of the experience of using sand animation for developing preschool children’s manual dexterity with detailed examples of exercises.

Results. Firstly, the paper reveals the problems of developing modern preschoolers’ sensory experience. Secondly, the author presents specific pedagogical conditions for developing preschool children’s manual dexterity in the course of training in sand animation. Thirdly, the theoretical analysis of the topic is also reflected in the research. Finally, the paper proposes exercises for the developing preschool children’s manual dexterity by using sand animation.

Discussion. It is emphasized that recently in the conditions of popularizing gadgets, the need for new means of developing children’s manual dexterity and enriching their sensory-saturated environment has become especially urgent.

Conclusion. The author comes to the conclusion about the positive impact of lessons of sand animation for pre-school children on the developing the latters’ higher mental functions in general and fine motor skills in particular.


preschool children, development of manual dexterity, sand animation

  • The need for the new pedagogical approaches to the developing preschool children’s manual dexterity in modern conditions is proved in the paper.
  • Results of the research reflect theoretical analysis of the topic under investigation, as well as specific pedagogical conditions for training in sand animation.
  • The author proposes effective exercises for the developing pre-school children’s manual dexterity and their higher mental functions by the means of using sand animation.


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