Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.03.15
UDC: 33(07):371.011
BBC: 74.266.5:74.200.507
A.A. Salamatov ORCID
Academic Title of Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Education), Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, South-Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
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Ecosynergism as a fundamental principle for integrating ecological and economic types of education

Introduction. The paper reveals the subject matter of ecosynergism principle being a backbone factor for integrating ecology and economics in education. The research substantiates the relevance of introducing environmental science into subject-oriented education at senior high school. Furthermore, the author proves the need for developing trainees’ correct attitude towards environmental and economic values and issues, which they will be able to adopt in their future professional activities.

Materials and methods.Methodological toolfor revealing the essence of the ecosynergism principle in education is the synergetic approach. Moreover, the research is based on certain practical procedures such as questionnaire surveys, observation, and statistical data processing.

Results. Firstly, trainees’ preferences in choosing specialization at senior high school are detected and analyzed in the paper. Secondly, the author explains the reasons for trainees’ choice. Thirdly, the bifurcation points of the economic ecologization of preparation at senior school and knowledge for resonant impact on personalities to form the ecological and economic value trainees’ orientations are investigated.

Discussion. The author emphasizes that ecosynergism requires parity and priority bifurcation interaction between ecological and economic experience to form the ecological and economic values.

Conclusion. It has been revealed that implementation of the ecosynergism provides the improvement of the ecological and economic quality training at senior high school, which affects the formation of value orientation. 


pedagogical principle, ecosynergy, ecosynergism in education, integration, ecologization of ecological preparation, profile training, synergetic approach

  • The research substantiates the relevance of the ecologization of economical preparation at senior profile training school and the need for trainees’ correct attitude towards ecological and economic values in their future profession;
  • The paper reveals the subject matter of ecosynergism principle being a backbone factor for integrating ecological and economic education, which demands for parity and priority bifurcation cooperation process between ecological and economic experience leading to formation certain personal trainees’ orientations;
  • The study indicates and analyzes choosing trainees’ reasons and preferences at training profile of high senior school;
  • The author defines the bifurcation points of the economic ecologization of trainees’ preparation at profile senior school and their influence on the ecological and economic orientations’ formation efficiency.

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