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Introduction. Currently, most of the native and foreign studies are positioned activity and procedural approach to the volunteer movement, but practically there is no work devoted to the study of the actual parameters of the volunteers’ person. The revealed contradiction allowed us to define the purpose of our work as follows: to substantiate and reveal the authors’ understanding of opportunity for semantic representation of volunteers personal qualities through expert interrogation of persons competent in assessment and familiar with the specifics of volunteer work.
Materials and Methods.The main research methods are the analysis of scientific literature devoted to the problem of volunteers’ personality, as well as diagnostic techniques, including testing (personal differential), associative semantic experiment and methods of statistical data processing. Theoretical analysis of sources is justified by empirical research. To study the semantic representation of volunteers’ personality characteristics, a personal differential was used, as well as the associative experiment with statistical processing of the obtained parameters. The scientific novelty is that the identity of participants in the volunteer movement has not been considered up to the present time from the point of view of an expert poll and using psycholinguistic methods.
Results.The procedure for the possibility of empirical investigation of the semantic representation of student’s personality parameters actively participating in volunteer work developed and tested; the authors described the semantic field of the volunteer’s personality; identified and described the dominant factors of volunteer’s personal development through the factorization of significant qualities on the basis of an expert survey.
Discussion. It is underlined that research provides empirical basis for selection of standardized diagnostic methods for studying the leading determinant of personality development volunteer during their activity.
Conclusion. It is emphasized that the conducted research also gives empirical grounds for the well-founded selection of standardized diagnostic methods for studying the leading determinants of the volunteers’ personality development in the process of volunteer activity.
volunteers, personal qualities, semantic representation, expert interview, personal differential, associative experiment
- Empirical research of the personality of the volunteer is theoretically substantiated;
- The procedure for organizing an empirical study of semantic representation has been developed;
- The dominant factors of the semantic representation of the volunteer personality («Morality», « Love for your work», «Active implementation», «Willful responsibility») through the analysis of the matrix pairwise similarity of semantic units have been represented.
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