Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2018 № 6 Psychological sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.73..6..002
UDC: 376.1
BBC: 74.3
V. A. Belikov ORCID
Professor, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Departmentof social and pedagogical education, South-Ural State Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. The relevance of the discussed problem is determined by considerable attention to the development of pedagogical conditions, the lack of a unified approach to their definition and a significant number of works in which the concept of pedagogical conditions is used without proper methodological justification.

Purpose of research – to identify the features of the concept of pedagogical conditions,  to clarify their nature  and  to determine the methodological basis for the allocation of a complex of pedagogical conditions.

Materials and methods. Theoretical methods are used – analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and dissertation research on the problem of allocation of pedagogical conditions, generalization and systematization of research results; empirical-analysis of the products of research activities of teachers, formulation of conclusions about the presence of methodological bases of allocation of pedagogical conditions.

Results. The analysis and evaluation of existing approaches to the definition of pedagogical conditions, clarified their nature and methodological basis for the allocation of complex pedagogical conditions, highlighted the regularity of their definition, clarified the actual nature of the conditions.


Discussion. Novelty of the research results, presented in the article, is to confirm the legality and the objectivity of the study of pedagogical conditions as a subject, goals and hypotheses of scientific research; it is proved that the formulation of each condition and hypothesis of scientific research and complex conditions must have subject, target and functional orientation, activity nature, the differentiation between necessary and sufficient conditions.

Conclusion. Thus, the study of pedagogical conditions of the effectiveness of solving the problems of education in relation to a particular subject is an objective scientific need. The concept of pedagogical conditions should be considered at the philosophical, General scientific and specific scientific levels of methodological foundations. The definition of pedagogical conditions should be considered as a set of actions taken to ensure the effectiveness of the process of implementation of the subjects of education, existence, successful functioning and development of the components of education of the individual.


levels of definition of essence of conditions, external and internal factors of the decision of problems of education, necessary and sufficient pedagogical conditions, activity nature of pedagogical conditions


- the views of scientists on the concept of " condition»:

- the evaluation of dissertation research on the legality of the use of the concept of "conditions" in their topic, subject and purpose;

- the relevance of the study of the conditions for solving the problems of education of the individual;

- the author's version of the definition of "pedagogical conditions" is proposed»;

- the activity nature of pedagogical conditions is defined and their place in the structure of educational process is specified;

- to confirm the conclusions, examples of complexes of preconditions in solving the problems of personality education are given.


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