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Introduction. The theme of the space was attractive to human at all times. A certain actualization of this resource among the younger generation is required, having a rich history in the field of space activities. Space topics have a huge potential for improving the quality of education, as well as the choice of young professionals in the field of space activities. For realization of this potential, we should turn to the popularization of scientific knowledge about space. But, as the study shows, interest in popularizing scientific knowledge among teachers is low enough for various reasons. This makes it possible to designate the purpose of this work to represent the content and organizational and pedagogical means of training teachers to popularize scientific knowledge about space.
Materials and methods. The main research methods are the analysis of scientific literature about the preparation of a teacher for innovation activity, the implementation of ideas to popularize scientific knowledge, as well as diagnostic methods, including observation and questioning to determine the positions of teachers in addressing the resources to popularize scientific knowledge.
Results. The authors of the article highlight a list of the methods of activity necessary for the teacher to popularize scientific knowledge about space. It contains: selection and adaptation for schoolchildren of modern scientific data; inclusion of selected material in the content of basic educational programs; mastering the methods of popularizing scientific knowledge about outer space; evaluation of the formation of scientific knowledge of outer space among students.
Discussion. The authors emphasize the use of cinema pedagogics as a method that has a high emotional impact on the personality of schoolchildren. This becomes possible due to the appeal to images
and models of activity, cultivated in feature films and documentaries focused on space themes.
Conclusion. The review of feature and documentary films presented in the article will allow a teacher to immerse himself in the "atmosphere" of the diversity of space themes and to select the content of the educational material. It is shown that the alignment of the described system of training teachers for the popularization of knowledge about outer space using the method of cinema pedagogics allows one to form a steady interest in studying the features of the space branch of schoolchildren in the process of the lessons and after-hours activities.
teacher, general educational organization, scientific knowledge about space, popularization, cinema pedagogics, teacher training
- The ways of activity necessary for a teacher to popularize knowledge about the space industry have been identified;
- The types of film fragments aimed at promoting knowledge of space have been highlighted;
- The review of feature films and documentaries has been presented. It will allow the teacher to select the content of educational material.
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