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Introduction. The article substantiates the relevance of the intro-duction of transdisciplinary model of self-realization of students in the learning process. As the «core» of transdisciplinarity, linking the components and levels of the model into a single conceptual context, the expections of the subjects of the educational process are chosen.
Materials and methods. Main research methods are analysis of scientific literature devoted to the problem of self-realization of stu-
dents in the learning process, and diagnostic techniques, including multidimensional questionnaire of self-realization Kudinov S. I., diagnostics of partial positions of internality-externality factor of personality (E. F. Bazhin, E. A. Gulinkina, A. M. Etkind), modified questionnaire of E. A. Lebedeva. For statistical processing of measurement results the software «SPSS v 17.0», descriptive statistics, correlation analysis (Pearson), the criterion φ* Fisher were used.
Results. The transdisciplinary model of self-realization of students 'personality in the learning process is developed" ; the author presents the characteristics of the main components, levels of transdisciplinary model of self-realization of students ' personality in the learning process; describes the diagnostic tools for the effectiveness of the model, including levels, criteria and indicators.
Discussion. It is emphasized that the introduction of a transdisciplinary model of self-realization of students in the learning process has led to statistically significant changes in the levels and indicators of self-realization of students in the learning process in experimental groups.
Conclusion. It is concluded that the implementation of a transdisciplinary model of self-realization of students in the learning process allows to make innovative components in the content and structure of quality management of students.
learning process, transdisciplinary model, self-realization of students ' personality
- the possibility of building a transdisciplinary model of self-realization of students in the learning process;
- a transdisciplinary model of self-realization of students ' personality in the learning process has been developed;
- the article presents the results of assessing the effectiveness of the transdisciplinary model of self-realization of students in the learning process.
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