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Introduction. The article considers preschool children’s emotional-communicative development in musical activity.
Materials and methods. The main research methods involve retrospective analysis of psychological and pedagogical scientific literature; conceptual analysis and systematization on the problem of preschool children’s emotional-communicative development in musical activity.
Results. The study introduced a new concept of preschool children’s emotional-communicative development. The practical results include various types of musical activity in preschool children’s emotional-communicative development.
Discussion. Based on the research conducted, the authors conclude that preschool children’s emotional-communicative development manifested in 4 types of musical activity: perception of music, singing, musical-rhythmic activity, playing on children’s musical instruments.
Сonclusion. The study states that types of musical activity allow to increase level of preschool children’s emotional-communicative development.
musical activity, emotional-communicative development, preschool children
- The main components of preschool children’s emotional-communicative development have been determined;
- Types of preschool children’s musical activity and their influence on preschool children’s emotional-communicative development have been presented.
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